Tag Archives: create beauty all around you


Sometimes I go out walking and, instead of walking just to walk, I walk to marvel in the beauty of the world around me.

Sometimes I throw my arms out to the side, dancing and twirling down the road.

Sometimes the skies expand and the mountains close in around me and it makes me feels so very small. So very small in the biggest, most beautiful way.

Sometimes I stop by the rippling creek and listen to the waters churn in a delightful symphony. And I wonder why I don’t stop to hear the music more often.

I wonder why sometimes the world is magical, and sometimes it seems so ordinary. Why sometimes I wake up with a song in my heart and sometimes I wake up with a frown on my face.

And I think life is what we make it all the time. Sometimes we make it beautiful, and sometimes we bury the wonder in busyness and haste. Sometimes we make life ugly and messy because we don’t take the time to paint a better picture.

Sometimes we need to take a step back and breathe. Just breathe. Listen to the heartbeat of the world and find a way to mold your own into it.

Because sometimes we need to remember that this world is so much bigger than us. That we are part of a greater story. That we were meant to create beauty wherever we go.

Let’s make the world magical more than sometimes.